PatternGenerator abstract class, basic example concrete class, and
multichannel support.
PatternGenerators support both single-channel patterns, i.e. bare
arrays, and multiple channels, such as for color images. See
``PatternGenerator.__call__`` and ``PatternGenerator.channels`` for
more information.
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
import collections
import param
from param.parameterized import ParamOverrides
from holoviews import HoloMap, Image, RGB, Dimension
from holoviews.core import BoundingBox, BoundingRegionParameter, SheetCoordinateSystem
from .transferfn import TransferFn
# CEBALERT: PatternGenerator has become a bit of a monster abstract
# class. Can it be split into the minimum required to specify the
# interface, with a subclass implementing the rest (this subclass
# still being above the rest of the PatternGenerators)? We want to
# make it easy to add new types of PatternGenerator that don't match
# the assumptions of the current ones (OneDPowerSpectrum is an example
# of a PG that doesn't match the current assumptions), but still lets
# them be used like the current ones.
# (PatternGenerator-->TwoDPatternGenerator?)
# JLALERT: PatternGenerator should have
# override_plasticity_state/restore_plasticity_state functions which
# can override the plasticity of any output_fn that has state, in case
# anyone ever uses such an object in a PatternGenerator. Will also
# need to support Composite patterns.
[docs]class PatternGenerator(param.Parameterized):
A class hierarchy for callable objects that can generate 2D patterns.
Once initialized, PatternGenerators can be called to generate a
value or a matrix of values from a 2D function, typically
accepting at least x and y.
A PatternGenerator's Parameters can make use of Parameter's
precedence attribute to specify the order in which they should
appear, e.g. in a GUI. The precedence attribute has a nominal
range of 0.0 to 1.0, with ordering going from 0.0 (first) to 1.0
(last), but any value is allowed.
The orientation and layout of the pattern matrices is defined by
the SheetCoordinateSystem class, which see.
Note that not every parameter defined for a PatternGenerator will
be used by every subclass. For instance, a Constant pattern will
ignore the x, y, orientation, and size parameters, because the
pattern does not vary with any of those parameters. However,
those parameters are still defined for all PatternGenerators, even
Constant patterns, to allow PatternGenerators to be scaled, rotated,
translated, etc. uniformly.
__abstract = True
bounds = BoundingRegionParameter(
default=BoundingBox(points=((-0.5,-0.5), (0.5,0.5))),precedence=-1,
doc="BoundingBox of the area in which the pattern is generated.")
xdensity = param.Number(default=256,bounds=(0,None),precedence=-1,doc="""
Density (number of samples per 1.0 length) in the x direction.""")
ydensity = param.Number(default=256,bounds=(0,None),precedence=-1,doc="""
Density (number of samples per 1.0 length) in the y direction.
Typically the same as the xdensity.""")
x = param.Number(default=0.0,softbounds=(-1.0,1.0),precedence=0.20,doc="""
X-coordinate location of pattern center.""")
y = param.Number(default=0.0,softbounds=(-1.0,1.0),precedence=0.21,doc="""
Y-coordinate location of pattern center.""")
z = param.ClassSelector(default=None, precedence=-1, class_=Dimension, doc="""
The Dimension object associated with the z-values generated by
the PatternGenerator . If None, uses the default set by
group = param.String(default='Pattern', precedence=-1, doc="""
The group name assigned to the returned HoloViews object.""")
position = param.Composite(attribs=['x','y'],precedence=-1,doc="""
Coordinates of location of pattern center.
Provides a convenient way to set the x and y parameters together
as a tuple (x,y), but shares the same actual storage as x and y
(and thus only position OR x and y need to be specified).""")
orientation = param.Number(default=0.0,softbounds=(0.0,2*pi),precedence=0.40,doc="""
Polar angle of pattern, i.e., the orientation in the Cartesian coordinate
system, with zero at 3 o'clock and increasing counterclockwise.""")
size = param.Number(default=1.0,bounds=(0.0,None),softbounds=(0.0,6.0),
precedence=0.30,doc="""Determines the overall size of the pattern.""")
scale = param.Number(default=1.0,softbounds=(0.0,2.0),precedence=0.10,doc="""
Multiplicative strength of input pattern, defaulting to 1.0""")
offset = param.Number(default=0.0,softbounds=(-1.0,1.0),precedence=0.11,doc="""
Additive offset to input pattern, defaulting to 0.0""")
mask = param.Parameter(default=None,precedence=-1,doc="""
Optional object (expected to be an array) with which to multiply the
pattern array after it has been created, before any output_fns are
applied. This can be used to shape the pattern.""")
# Note that the class type is overridden to PatternGenerator below
mask_shape = param.ClassSelector(param.Parameterized,default=None,precedence=0.06,doc="""
Optional PatternGenerator used to construct a mask to be applied to
the pattern.""")
output_fns = param.HookList(default=[], precedence=0.08,doc="""
Optional function(s) to apply to the pattern array after it has been created.
Can be used for normalization, thresholding, etc.""")
def __init__(self,**params):
super(PatternGenerator, self).__init__(**params)
self.set_matrix_dimensions(self.bounds, self.xdensity, self.ydensity)
def __call__(self,**params_to_override):
Call the subclass's 'function' method on a rotated and scaled
coordinate system.
Creates and fills an array with the requested pattern. If
called without any params, uses the values for the Parameters
as currently set on the object. Otherwise, any params
specified override those currently set on the object.
if 'output_fns' in params_to_override:
self.warning("Output functions specified through the call method will be ignored.")
# CEBERRORALERT: position parameter is not currently
# supported. We should delete the position parameter or fix
# this.
# position=params_to_override.get('position',None) if position
# is not None: x,y = position
fn_result = self.function(p)
if p.scale != 1.0:
result = p.scale * fn_result
result = fn_result
if p.offset != 0.0:
result += p.offset
for of in p.output_fns:
return result
def __getitem__(self, coords):
value_dims = {}
if self.num_channels() in [0, 1]:
raster, data = Image, self()
value_dims = {'value_dimensions':[self.z]} if self.z else value_dims
elif self.num_channels() in [3,4]:
raster = RGB
data = np.dstack(self.channels().values()[1:])
image = raster(data, bounds=self.bounds,
label=self.__class__.__name__, **value_dims))
# Works round a bug fixed shortly after HoloViews 1.0.0 release
return image if isinstance(coords, slice) else image.__getitem__(coords)
[docs] def channels(self, use_cached=False, **params_to_override):
Channels() adds a shared interface for single channel and
multichannel structures. It will always return an ordered
dict: its first element is the single channel of the pattern
(if single-channel) or the channel average (if multichannel);
the successive elements are the individual channels' arrays
(key: 0,1,..N-1).
return collections.OrderedDict({ 'default':self.__call__(**params_to_override) })
[docs] def num_channels(self):
Query the number of channels implemented by the
PatternGenerator. In case of single-channel generators this
will return 1; in case of multichannel, it will return the
number of channels (eg, in the case of RGB images it would
return '3', Red-Green-Blue, even though the OrderedDict
returned by channels() will have 4 elements -- the 3 channels
+ their average).
return 1
def _setup_xy(self,bounds,xdensity,ydensity,x,y,orientation):
Produce pattern coordinate matrices from the bounds and
density (or rows and cols), and transforms them according to
x, y, and orientation.
self.debug("bounds=%s, xdensity=%s, ydensity=%s, x=%s, y=%s, orientation=%s",bounds,xdensity,ydensity,x,y,orientation)
# Generate vectors representing coordinates at which the pattern
# will be sampled.
# CB: note to myself - use slice_._scs if supplied?
x_points,y_points = SheetCoordinateSystem(bounds,xdensity,ydensity).sheetcoordinates_of_matrixidx()
# Generate matrices of x and y sheet coordinates at which to
# sample pattern, at the correct orientation
self.pattern_x, self.pattern_y = self._create_and_rotate_coordinate_arrays(x_points-x,y_points-y,orientation)
[docs] def function(self,p):
Function to draw a pattern that will then be scaled and rotated.
Instead of implementing __call__ directly, PatternGenerator
subclasses will typically implement this helper function used
by __call__, because that way they can let __call__ handle the
scaling and rotation for them. Alternatively, __call__ itself
can be reimplemented entirely by a subclass (e.g. if it does
not need to do any scaling or rotation), in which case this
function will be ignored.
raise NotImplementedError
def _create_and_rotate_coordinate_arrays(self, x, y, orientation):
Create pattern matrices from x and y vectors, and rotate them
to the specified orientation.
# Using this two-liner requires that x increase from left to
# right and y decrease from left to right; I don't think it
# can be rewritten in so little code otherwise - but please
# prove me wrong.
pattern_y = np.subtract.outer(np.cos(orientation)*y, np.sin(orientation)*x)
pattern_x = np.add.outer(np.sin(orientation)*y, np.cos(orientation)*x)
return pattern_x, pattern_y
def _apply_mask(self,p,mat):
"""Create (if necessary) and apply the mask to the given matrix mat."""
mask = p.mask
if ms is not None:
mask = ms(x=p.x+p.size*(ms.x*np.cos(p.orientation)-ms.y*np.sin(p.orientation)),
if mask is not None:
[docs] def set_matrix_dimensions(self, bounds, xdensity, ydensity):
Change the dimensions of the matrix into which the pattern
will be drawn. Users of this class should call this method
rather than changing the bounds, xdensity, and ydensity
parameters directly. Subclasses can override this method to
update any internal data structures that may depend on the
matrix dimensions.
self.bounds = bounds
self.xdensity = xdensity
self.ydensity = ydensity
scs = SheetCoordinateSystem(bounds, xdensity, ydensity)
for of in self.output_fns:
if isinstance(of, TransferFn):
of.initialize(SCS=scs, shape=scs.shape)
[docs] def state_push(self):
"Save the state of the output functions, to be restored with state_pop."
for of in self.output_fns:
if hasattr(of,'state_push'):
super(PatternGenerator, self).state_push()
[docs] def state_pop(self):
"Restore the state of the output functions saved by state_push."
for of in self.output_fns:
if hasattr(of,'state_pop'):
super(PatternGenerator, self).state_pop()
[docs] def anim(self, duration, offset=0, timestep=1,
label=None, unit=None,
duration: The temporal duration to animate in the units
defined on the global time function.
offset: The temporal offset from which the animation is
generated given the supplied pattern
timestep: The time interval between successive frames. The
duration must be an exact multiple of the timestep.
label: A label string to override the label of the global time
function (if not None).
unit: The unit string to override the unit value of the global
time function (if not None).
time_fn: The global time function object that is shared across
the time-varying objects that are being sampled.
Note that the offset, timestep and time_fn only affect
patterns parameterized by time-dependent number
generators. Otherwise, the frames are generated by successive
call to the pattern which may or may not be varying (e.g to
view the patterns contained within a Selector).
frames = (duration // timestep) + 1
if duration % timestep != 0:
raise ValueError("The duration value must be an exact multiple of the timestep.")
if label is None:
label = time_fn.label if hasattr(time_fn, 'label') else 'Time'
unit = time_fn.unit if (not unit and hasattr(time_fn, 'unit')) else unit
vmap = HoloMap(key_dimensions=[Dimension(label, unit=unit if unit else '')])
with time_fn as t:
for i in range(frames):
vmap[t()] = self[:]
t += timestep
return vmap
## Support for compositional expressions of PatternGenerator objects
def _promote(self,other):
if not isinstance(other,PatternGenerator):
other = Constant(scale=other,offset=0)
return [self,other]
def _rpromote(self,other):
if not isinstance(other,PatternGenerator):
other = Constant(scale=other,offset=0)
return [other,self]
# Could define any of Python's operators here, esp. if they have operator or ufunc equivalents
def __add__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._promote(other),operator=np.add)
def __sub__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._promote(other),operator=np.subtract)
def __mul__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._promote(other),operator=np.multiply)
def __mod__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._promote(other),operator=np.mod)
def __pow__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._promote(other),operator=np.power)
def __div__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._promote(other),operator=np.divide)
def __and__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._promote(other),operator=np.minimum)
def __or__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._promote(other),operator=np.maximum)
def __radd__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._rpromote(other),operator=np.add)
def __rsub__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._rpromote(other),operator=np.subtract)
def __rmul__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._rpromote(other),operator=np.multiply)
def __rmod__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._rpromote(other),operator=np.mod)
def __rpow__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._rpromote(other),operator=np.power)
def __rdiv__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._rpromote(other),operator=np.divide)
def __rand__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._rpromote(other),operator=np.minimum)
def __ror__ (self,other): return Composite(generators=self._rpromote(other),operator=np.maximum)
def __neg__ (self): return Composite(generators=[Constant(scale=0),self],operator=np.subtract)
class abs_first(object):
def reduce(x): return np.abs(x[0])
def __abs__ (self): return Composite(generators=[self],operator=self.abs_first)
# Override class type; must be set here rather than when mask_shape is declared,
# to avoid referring to class not yet constructed
# Trivial example of a PatternGenerator, provided for when a default is
# needed. The other concrete PatternGenerator classes are stored
# elsewhere, to be imported as needed.
[docs]class Constant(PatternGenerator):
"""Constant pattern generator, i.e., a solid, uniform field of the same value."""
# The orientation is ignored, so we don't show it in
# auto-generated lists of parameters (e.g. in the GUI)
orientation = param.Number(precedence=-1)
# Optimization: We use a simpler __call__ method here to skip the
# coordinate transformations (which would have no effect anyway)
def __call__(self,**params_to_override):
p = ParamOverrides(self,params_to_override)
shape = SheetCoordinateSystem(p.bounds,p.xdensity,p.ydensity).shape
result = p.scale*np.ones(shape, np.float)+p.offset
for of in p.output_fns:
return result
[docs]class CompositeBase(PatternGenerator):
PatternGenerator that combines or selects from a list of other
generators = param.List(class_=PatternGenerator,default=[Constant(scale=0.0)],
bounds=(1,None),precedence=0.97, doc="""
List of patterns to combine or select from. The default pattern is a blank pattern,
and thus should be overridden for any useful work.""")
size = param.Number(default=1.0,doc="""Scaling factor applied to all sub-patterns.""")
[docs]class Composite(CompositeBase):
PatternGenerator that accepts a list of other PatternGenerators.
To create a new pattern, asks each of the PatternGenerators in the
list to create a pattern, then it combines the patterns to create
a single pattern that it returns.
# The Accum_Replace operator from LISSOM is not yet supported,
# but it should be added once PatternGenerator bounding boxes
# are respected and/or GenericImage patterns support transparency.
operator = param.Parameter(np.maximum,precedence=0.98,doc="""
Binary Numpy function used to combine the individual patterns.
Any binary Numpy array "ufunc" returning the same
type of array as the operands and supporting the reduce
operator is allowed here. Supported ufuncs include::
The most useful ones are probably add and maximum, but there
are uses for at least some of the others as well (e.g. to
remove pieces of other patterns).
You can also write your own operators, by making a class that
has a static method named "reduce" that returns an array of the
same size and type as the arrays in the list. For example::
class return_first(object):
def reduce(x):
return x[0]
def _advance_pattern_generators(self,p):
Subclasses can override this method to provide constraints on
the values of generators' parameters and/or eliminate
generators from this list if necessary.
return p.generators
[docs] def state_push(self):
Push the state of all generators
for gen in self.generators:
[docs] def state_pop(self):
Pop the state of all generators
for gen in self.generators:
# JABALERT: To support large numbers of patterns on a large input region,
# should be changed to evaluate each pattern in a small box, and then
# combine them at the full Composite Bounding box size.
[docs] def function(self,p):
"""Constructs combined pattern out of the individual ones."""
generators = self._advance_pattern_generators(p)
assert hasattr(p.operator,'reduce'),repr(p.operator)+" does not support 'reduce'."
# CEBALERT: mask gets applied by all PGs including the Composite itself
# (leads to redundant calculations in current lissom_oo_or usage, but
# will lead to problems/limitations in the future).
patterns = [pg(xdensity=p.xdensity,ydensity=p.ydensity,
x=p.x+p.size*(pg.x*np.cos(p.orientation)- pg.y*np.sin(p.orientation)),
y=p.y+p.size*(pg.x*np.sin(p.orientation)+ pg.y*np.cos(p.orientation)),
for pg in generators]
image_array = p.operator.reduce(patterns)
return image_array
[docs]class CorrelateChannels(ChannelTransform):
Correlate channels by mixing a fraction of one channel into another.
from_channel = param.Number(default=1, doc="""
Name of the channel to take data from.""")
to_channel = param.Number(default=2, doc="""
Name of the channel to change data of.""")
strength = param.Number(default=0, doc="""
Strength of the correlation to add, with 0 being no change,
and 1.0 overwriting to_channel with from_channel.""")
def __call__(self, channel_data):
channel_data[self.to_channel] = \
self.strength*channel_data[self.from_channel] + \
return channel_data
[docs]class ChannelGenerator(PatternGenerator):
Abstract base class for patterns supporting multiple channels natively.
__abstract = True
channel_transforms = param.HookList(class_=ChannelTransform,default=[],doc="""
Optional functions to apply post processing to the set of channels.""")
def __init__(self, **params):
self._original_channel_data = [] # channel data before processing
self._channel_data = [] # channel data after processing
super(ChannelGenerator, self).__init__(**params)
def channels(self, use_cached=False, **params_to_override):
res = collections.OrderedDict()
if not use_cached:
default = self(**params_to_override)
res['default'] = default
res['default'] = None
for i in range(len(self._channel_data)):
res[i] = self._channel_data[i]
return res
def num_channels(self):
return len(self._channel_data)
[docs]class ComposeChannels(ChannelGenerator):
Create a multi-channel PatternGenerator from a list of
PatternGenerators, with the specified channel_transforms applied.
generators = param.List(class_=PatternGenerator,default=[Constant(scale=0.0)],
bounds=(1,None), doc="""
List of patterns to use for each channel. Generators which already have more than one
channel will only contribute to a single channel of ComposeChannels.""")
def __init__(self,**params):
for i in range(len(self.generators)):
self._channel_data.append( None )
def __call__(self,**params):
# Generates all channels, then returns the default channel
p = param.ParamOverrides(self,params)
# (not **p)
for i in range(len(p.generators)):
self._channel_data[i] = p.generators[i]( **params )
for c in self.channel_transforms:
self._channel_data = c(self._channel_data)
return sum(act for act in self._channel_data)/len(self._channel_data)