PatternGenerators based on bitmap images stored in files.
Requires the Python Imaging Library (PIL). In general, the pillow fork
of PIL is recommended as it is being actively maintained and works
with Python 3.
# StringIO.StringIO is *not* the same as io.StringIO:
# https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2013-May/648080.html
# In short, the former accepts bytes whereas the latter only accepts
# unicode. In Python 3, BytesIO may be used with pillow safely.
from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageOps
import numpy as np
import param
from param.parameterized import overridable_property
from holoviews.core import BoundingBox, SheetCoordinateSystem
from .patterngenerator import ChannelGenerator, ChannelTransform
from .transferfn import DivisiveNormalizeLinf, TransferFn
from os.path import splitext
import numbergen
[docs]class ImageSampler(param.Parameterized):
A class of objects that, when called, sample an image.
def _get_image(self):
# CB: In general, might need to consider caching to avoid
# loading of image/creation of scs and application of wpofs
# every time/whatever the sampler does to set up the image
# before sampling
return self._image
def _set_image(self,image):
self._image = image
def _del_image(self):
del self._image
# As noted by JP in FastImageSampler, this isn't easy to figure out.
def __call__(self,image,x,y,sheet_xdensity,sheet_ydensity,width=1.0,height=1.0):
raise NotImplementedError
image = overridable_property(_get_image,_set_image,_del_image)
# CEBALERT: ArraySampler?
[docs]class PatternSampler(ImageSampler):
When called, resamples - according to the size_normalization
parameter - an image at the supplied (x,y) sheet coordinates.
(x,y) coordinates outside the image are returned as the background
whole_pattern_output_fns = param.HookList(class_=TransferFn,default=[],doc="""
Functions to apply to the whole image before any sampling is done.""")
background_value_fn = param.Callable(default=None,doc="""
Function to compute an appropriate background value. Must accept
an array and return a scalar.""")
size_normalization = param.ObjectSelector(default='original',
Determines how the pattern is scaled initially, relative to
the default retinal dimension of 1.0 in sheet coordinates:
'stretch_to_fit': scale both dimensions of the pattern so they
would fill a Sheet with bounds=BoundingBox(radius=0.5)
(disregards the original's aspect ratio).
'fit_shortest': scale the pattern so that its shortest
dimension is made to fill the corresponding dimension on a
Sheet with bounds=BoundingBox(radius=0.5) (maintains the
original's aspect ratio, filling the entire bounding box).
'fit_longest': scale the pattern so that its longest dimension
is made to fill the corresponding dimension on a Sheet with
bounds=BoundingBox(radius=0.5) (maintains the original's
aspect ratio, fitting the image into the bounding box but not
necessarily filling it).
'original': no scaling is applied; each pixel of the pattern
corresponds to one matrix unit of the Sheet on which the
pattern being displayed.""")
def _get_image(self):
return self.scs.activity
def _set_image(self,image):
# Stores a SheetCoordinateSystem with an activity matrix
# representing the image
if not isinstance(image,np.ndarray):
image = np.array(image,np.float)
rows,cols = image.shape
self.scs = SheetCoordinateSystem(xdensity=1.0,ydensity=1.0,
( cols/2.0, rows/2.0))))
def _del_image(self):
self.scs = None
def __call__(self, image, x, y, sheet_xdensity, sheet_ydensity, width=1.0, height=1.0):
Return pixels from the supplied image at the given Sheet (x,y)
The image is assumed to be a NumPy array or other object that
exports the NumPy buffer interface (i.e. can be converted to a
NumPy array by passing it to numpy.array(), e.g. Image.Image).
The whole_pattern_output_fns are applied to the image before
any sampling is done.
To calculate the sample, the image is scaled according to the
size_normalization parameter, and any supplied width and
height. sheet_xdensity and sheet_ydensity are the xdensity and
ydensity of the sheet on which the pattern is to be drawn.
# CEB: could allow image=None in args and have 'if image is
# not None: self.image=image' here to avoid re-initializing the
# image.
for wpof in self.whole_pattern_output_fns:
if not self.background_value_fn:
self.background_value = 0.0
self.background_value = self.background_value_fn(self.image)
pattern_rows,pattern_cols = self.image.shape
if width==0 or height==0 or pattern_cols==0 or pattern_rows==0:
return np.ones(x.shape)*self.background_value
# scale the supplied coordinates to match the pattern being at density=1
x=x*sheet_xdensity # deliberately don't operate in place (so as not to change supplied x & y)
# scale according to initial pattern size_normalization selected (size_normalization)
# scale according to user-specified width and height
# now sample pattern at the (r,c) corresponding to the supplied (x,y)
r,c = self.scs.sheet2matrixidx(x,y)
# (where(cond,x,y) evaluates x whether cond is True or False)
left,bottom,right,top = self.scs.bounds.lbrt()
return np.where((x>=left) & (x<right) & (y>bottom) & (y<=top),
def __apply_size_normalization(self,x,y,sheet_xdensity,sheet_ydensity,size_normalization):
pattern_rows,pattern_cols = self.image.shape
# Instead of an if-test, could have a class of this type of
# function (c.f. OutputFunctions, etc)...
if size_normalization=='original':
elif size_normalization=='stretch_to_fit':
x_sf,y_sf = pattern_cols/sheet_xdensity, pattern_rows/sheet_ydensity
x*=x_sf; y*=y_sf
elif size_normalization=='fit_shortest':
if pattern_rows<pattern_cols:
sf = pattern_rows/sheet_ydensity
sf = pattern_cols/sheet_xdensity
elif size_normalization=='fit_longest':
if pattern_rows<pattern_cols:
sf = pattern_cols/sheet_xdensity
sf = pattern_rows/sheet_ydensity
[docs]def edge_average(a):
"Return the mean value around the edge of an array."
if len(np.ravel(a)) < 2:
return float(a[0])
top_edge = a[0]
bottom_edge = a[-1]
left_edge = a[1:-1,0]
right_edge = a[1:-1,-1]
edge_sum = np.sum(top_edge) + np.sum(bottom_edge) + np.sum(left_edge) + np.sum(right_edge)
num_values = len(top_edge)+len(bottom_edge)+len(left_edge)+len(right_edge)
return float(edge_sum)/num_values
[docs]class FastImageSampler(ImageSampler):
A fast-n-dirty image sampler using Python Imaging Library
routines. Currently this sampler doesn't support user-specified
size_normalization or cropping but rather simply scales and crops
the image to fit the given matrix size without distorting the
aspect ratio of the original picture.
sampling_method = param.Integer(default=Image.NEAREST,doc="""
Python Imaging Library sampling method for resampling an image.
Defaults to Image.NEAREST.""")
def _set_image(self,image):
if not isinstance(image,Image.Image):
self._image = Image.new('L',image.shape)
self._image = image
def __call__(self, image, x, y, sheet_xdensity, sheet_ydensity, width=1.0, height=1.0):
# JPALERT: Right now this ignores all options and just fits the image into given array.
# It needs to be fleshed out to properly size and crop the
# image given the options. (maybe this class needs to be
# redesigned? The interface to this function is pretty inscrutable.)
im = ImageOps.fit(self.image,x.shape,self.sampling_method)
return np.array(im,dtype=np.float)
[docs]class GenericImage(ChannelGenerator):
Generic 2D image generator with support for multiple channels.
Subclasses should override the _get_image method to produce the
image object.
By default, the background value is calculated as an edge average:
see edge_average(). Black-bordered images therefore have a black
background, and white-bordered images have a white
background. Images with no border have a background that is less
of a contrast than a white or black one.
At present, rotation, size_normalization, etc. just resample; it
would be nice to support some interpolation options as well.
__abstract = True
aspect_ratio = param.Number(default=1.0,bounds=(0.0,None),
Ratio of width to height; size*aspect_ratio gives the width.""")
size = param.Number(default=1.0,bounds=(0.0,None),softbounds=(0.0,2.0),
Height of the image.""")
pattern_sampler = param.ClassSelector(class_=ImageSampler,
The PatternSampler to use to resample/resize the image.""")
cache_image = param.Boolean(default=False,doc="""
If False, discards the image and pattern_sampler after drawing
the pattern each time, to make it possible to use very large
databases of images without running out of memory.""")
def __init__(self, **params):
self._image = None
super(GenericImage, self).__init__(**params)
def _get_image(self,p):
If necessary as indicated by the parameters, get a new image,
assign it to self._image and return True. If no new image is
needed, return False.
raise NotImplementedError
def _reduced_call(self, **params_to_override):
Simplified version of PatternGenerator's __call__ method.
fn_result = self.function(p)
result = p.scale*fn_result+p.offset
return result
def _process_channels(self,p,**params_to_override):
Add the channel information to the channel_data attribute.
orig_image = self._image
for i in range(len(self._channel_data)):
self._image = self._original_channel_data[i]
self._channel_data[i] = self._reduced_call(**params_to_override)
self._image = orig_image
return self._channel_data
def function(self,p):
height = p.size
width = p.aspect_ratio*height
result = p.pattern_sampler(self._get_image(p),p.pattern_x,p.pattern_y,
if p.cache_image is False:
self._image = None
del self.pattern_sampler.image
return result
def __getstate__(self):
Return the object's state (as in the superclass), but replace
the '_image' attribute's Image with a string representation.
state = super(GenericImage,self).__getstate__()
if '_image' in state and state['_image'] is not None:
f = BytesIO()
image = state['_image']
# format could be None (we should probably just not save in that case)
image.save(f,format=image.format or 'TIFF')
state['_image'] = f.getvalue()
return state
def __setstate__(self,state):
Load the object's state (as in the superclass), but replace
the '_image' string with an actual Image object.
# state['_image'] is apparently sometimes None (see SF #2276819).
if '_image' in state and state['_image'] is not None:
state['_image'] = Image.open(BytesIO(state['_image']))
[docs]class FileImage(GenericImage):
2D Image generator that reads the image from a file.
Grayscale versions of the image are always available, converted
from the color version if necessary. For color images,
three-channel color values are available through the channels()
method. See Image's Image class for details of supported image
file formats.
filename = param.Filename(default='images/ellen_arthur.pgm', precedence=0.9,doc="""
File path (can be relative to Param's base path) to a bitmap
image. The image can be in any format accepted by PIL,
e.g. PNG, JPG, TIFF, or PGM as well or numpy save files (.npy
or .npz) containing 2D or 3D arrays (where the third dimension
is used for each channel).""")
def __init__(self, **params):
self.last_filename = None # Cached to avoid unnecessary reloading for each channel
self._cached_average = None
super(FileImage,self).__init__(**params) ## must be called after setting the class-attributes
self._image = None # necessary to ensure reloading of data (due to cache mechanisms
# call after super.__init__, which calls _get_image()
def __call__(self,**params_to_override):
# Cache image to avoid channel_data being deleted before channel-specific processing completes.
p = param.ParamOverrides(self,params_to_override)
if not (p.cache_image and (p._image is not None)):
self._cached_average = super(FileImage,self).__call__(**params_to_override)
self._channel_data = self._process_channels(p,**params_to_override)
for c in self.channel_transforms:
self._channel_data = c(self._channel_data)
if p.cache_image is False:
self._image = None
return self._cached_average
[docs] def set_matrix_dimensions(self, *args):
Subclassed to delete the cached image when matrix dimensions
are changed.
self._image = None
super(FileImage, self).set_matrix_dimensions(*args)
def _get_image(self,p):
file_, ext = splitext(p.filename)
npy = (ext.lower() == ".npy")
reload_image = (p.filename!=self.last_filename or self._image is None)
self.last_filename = p.filename
if reload_image:
if npy:
return self._image
def _load_pil_image(self, filename):
Load image using PIL.
self._channel_data = []
self._original_channel_data = []
im = Image.open(filename)
self._image = ImageOps.grayscale(im)
file_data = np.asarray(im, float)
file_data = file_data / file_data.max()
# if the image has more than one channel, load them
if( len(file_data.shape) == 3 ):
num_channels = file_data.shape[2]
for i in range(num_channels):
self._channel_data.append( file_data[:, :, i])
self._original_channel_data.append( file_data[:, :, i] )
def _load_npy(self, filename):
Load image using Numpy.
self._channel_data = []
self._original_channel_data = []
file_channel_data = np.load(filename)
file_channel_data = file_channel_data / file_channel_data.max()
for i in range(file_channel_data.shape[2]):
self._channel_data.append(file_channel_data[:, :, i])
self._original_channel_data.append(file_channel_data[:, :, i])
self._image = file_channel_data.sum(2) / file_channel_data.shape[2]
[docs]class RotateHue(ChannelTransform):
Rotate the hue of an Image PatternGenerator.
Requires a three-channel (e.g. RGB) or a 4-channel (e.g. RGBA)
color image. Also allows the saturation of the image to be
Requires the color space of the image to be declared using the
colorspaces.color_conversion object, and uses the analysis color
space from that object to do the rotation.
saturation = param.Number(default=1.0,doc="""
Scale the saturation by the specified value.""")
rotation = param.Number(default=numbergen.UniformRandom(
name='hue_jitter', lbound=0,ubound=1, seed=1048921),
Amount by which to rotate the hue. The default setting
chooses a random value of hue rotation between zero and 100%.
If set to 0, no rotation will be performed.""")
def __call__(self,channel_data):
assert( len(channel_data)==3 or len(channel_data)==4 )
from .colorspaces import color_conversion as cc
channs_in = np.dstack(channel_data[0:3])
channs_out = cc.image2working(channs_in)
analysis_space = cc.working2analysis(channs_out)
if self.rotation != 0:
channs_out = cc.analysis2working(analysis_space)
# Takes only the first three channels (e.g. RGB)
channel_data[0:3] = np.dsplit(channs_out, 3)
for a in channel_data:
a.shape = a.shape[0:2]
return channel_data
[docs]class ScaleChannels(ChannelTransform):
Scale each channel of an Image PatternGenerator by a different
The list of channel factors should be the same length as the
number of channels. Otherwise, if the factors provided are fewer
than the channels of the Image, the remaining channels will not be
scaled. If they are more, then only the first N factors are used.
channel_factors = param.Dynamic(default=[1.0,1.0,1.0],doc="""
Channel scaling factors.""")
def __call__(self,channel_data):
# safety check
num_channels = min( len(channel_data), len(self.channel_factors) )
for i in range( num_channels ):
#TFALERT: Not sure why this is required, it should work out of the box
#Maybe because channel_factors should be a param.List rather than
channel_data[i] = channel_data[i] * self.channel_factors[i]()
channel_data[i] = channel_data[i] * self.channel_factors[i]
return channel_data