Source code for

Pattern generators for audio signals.

import param
import os

from . import TimeSeries, Spectrogram, PowerSpectrum

from numpy import arange, array, ceil, complex64, cos, exp, fft, flipud, \
        float64, floor, hanning, hstack, log, log10, logspace, multiply, \
        nonzero, ones, pi, reshape, shape, size, sqrt, sum, tile, zeros

    import scikits.audiolab as audiolab

except ImportError:
    param.Parameterized().warning(" classes will not be usable because scikits.audiolab is not available.")

[docs]class AudioFile(TimeSeries): """ Requires an audio file in any format accepted by audiolab (wav, aiff, flac). """ time_series = param.Array(precedence=(-1)) sample_rate = param.Number(precedence=(-1)) filename = param.Filename(default='sounds/complex/daisy.wav', doc=""" File path (can be relative to Param's base path) to an audio file. The audio can be in any format accepted by audiolab, e.g. WAV, AIFF, or FLAC.""") precision = param.Parameter(default=float64, doc=""" The float precision to use for loaded audio files.""") def __init__(self, **params): super(AudioFile, self).__init__(**params) self._load_audio_file() def _load_audio_file(self): source = audiolab.Sndfile(self.filename, 'r') # audiolab scales the range by the bit depth automatically so the dynamic range is now [-1.0, 1.0] # we rescale it to the range [0.0, 1.0] self.time_series = (source.read_frames(source.nframes, dtype=self.precision) + 1) / 2 self.sample_rate = source.samplerate
[docs]class AudioFolder(AudioFile): """ Returns a rolling spectrogram, i.e. the spectral density over time of a rolling window of the input audio signal, for all files in the specified folder. """ filename = param.Filename(precedence=(-1)) folderpath = param.Foldername(default='sounds/sine_waves/normalized', doc="""Folder path (can be relative to Param's base path) to a folder containing audio files. The audio can be in any format accepted by audiolab, i.e. WAV, AIFF, or FLAC.""") gap_between_sounds = param.Number(default=0.0, bounds=(0.0,None), doc="""The gap in seconds to insert between consecutive soundfiles.""") def __init__(self, **params): super(AudioFolder, self).__init__(**params) self._load_audio_folder() def _load_audio_folder(self): folder_contents = os.listdir(self.folderpath) self.sound_files = [] for file in folder_contents: if file[-4:]==".wav" or file[-3:]==".wv" or file[-5:]==".aiff" or file[-4:]==".aif" or file[-5:]==".flac": self.sound_files.append(self.folderpath + "/" + file) self.filename=self.sound_files[0] self._load_audio_file() self.next_file = 1
[docs] def extract_specific_interval(self, interval_start, interval_end): """ Overload if special behaviour is required when a series ends. """ interval_start = int(interval_start) interval_end = int(interval_end) if interval_start >= interval_end: raise ValueError("Requested interval's start point is past the requested end point.") elif interval_start > self.time_series.size: if self.repeat: interval_end = interval_end - interval_start interval_start = 0 else: raise ValueError("Requested interval's start point is past the end of the time series.") if interval_end < self.time_series.size: interval = self.time_series[interval_start:interval_end] else: requested_interval_size = interval_end - interval_start remaining_signal = self.time_series[interval_start:self.time_series.size] if self.next_file == len(self.sound_files) and self.repeat: self.next_file = 0 if self.next_file < len(self.sound_files): next_source = audiolab.Sndfile(self.sound_files[self.next_file], 'r') self.next_file += 1 if next_source.samplerate != self.sample_rate: raise ValueError("All sound files must be of the same sample rate") if self.gap_between_sounds > 0: remaining_signal = hstack((remaining_signal, zeros(int(self.gap_between_sounds*self.sample_rate), dtype=self.precision))) self.time_series = hstack((remaining_signal, next_source.read_frames(next_source.nframes, dtype=self.precision))) interval = self.time_series[0:requested_interval_size] self._next_interval_start = requested_interval_size else: self.warning("Returning last interval of the time series.") self._next_interval_start = self.time_series.size + 1 samples_per_interval = self.interval_length*self.sample_rate interval = hstack((remaining_signal, zeros(samples_per_interval-remaining_signal.size))) return interval
[docs]class LogSpectrogram(Spectrogram): """ Extends Spectrogram to provide a response over an octave scale. """ log_base = param.Integer(default=2, bounds=(0.0,None), doc="""The base of the logarithm used to generate logarithmic frequency spacing.""") def _get_row_amplitudes(self): signal_interval = self.signal() sample_rate = self.signal.sample_rate # A signal window *must* span one sample rate signal_window = tile(signal_interval, ceil(1.0/self.signal.interval_length)) if self.windowing_function: smoothed_window = signal_window[0:sample_rate] * self.windowing_function(sample_rate) else: smoothed_window = signal_window[0:sample_rate] amplitudes = (abs(fft.rfft(smoothed_window))[0:sample_rate/2] + self.offset) * self.scale for index in range(0, self._sheet_dimensions[0]-2): start_frequency = self.frequency_spacing[index] end_frequency = self.frequency_spacing[index+1] normalisation_factor = nonzero(amplitudes[start_frequency:end_frequency])[0].size if normalisation_factor == 0: amplitudes[index] = 0 else: amplitudes[index] = sum(amplitudes[start_frequency:end_frequency]) / normalisation_factor return flipud(amplitudes[0:self._sheet_dimensions[0]].reshape(-1,1)) def _set_frequency_spacing(self, min_freq, max_freq): min_frequency = log10(min_freq+1) / log10(self.log_base) max_frequency = log10(max_freq) / log10(self.log_base) self.frequency_spacing = logspace(min_frequency, max_frequency, num=self._sheet_dimensions[0]+1, endpoint=True, base=self.log_base)
[docs]class ModulatedLogSpectrogram(LogSpectrogram): """ Extends OctaveSpectrogram with a simple model of outer ear amplification. One can set both the range to amplify and the amount. """ lower_freq_bound = param.Number(default=1000.0, bounds=(0.0,None), doc="""The lower bound of the frequency range to be modulated.""") upper_freq_bound = param.Number(default=7000.0, bounds=(0.0,None), doc="""The upper bound of the frequency range to be modulated.""") modulation_function = param.Parameter(default=hanning, doc="""The function by which to modulate the signal between the specified frequency range. The default (hanning) multiplies a section of the signal by a hanning window.""") def __init__(self, **params): super(ModulatedLogSpectrogram, self).__init__(**params) if self.lower_freq_bound > self.upper_freq_bound: raise ValueError("Modulation frequency lower bound must be less than the upper bound.") def set_matrix_dimensions(self, bounds, xdensity, ydensity): super(ModulatedLogSpectrogram, self).set_matrix_dimensions(bounds, xdensity, ydensity) self._modulation_start_index = nonzero(self.frequency_spacing >= self.lower_freq_bound)[0][0] self._modulation_end_index = nonzero(self.frequency_spacing >= self.upper_freq_bound)[0][0] self._modulation = self.modulation_function(self._modulation_end_index-self._modulation_start_index) self._modulation = reshape(self._modulation, [-1,1]) def _shape_response(self, new_column): if self.amplify_by_percentage > 0: if (self.lower_freq_bound < self.min_frequency) or (self.lower_freq_bound > self.max_frequency): raise ValueError("Lower bound of frequency to amplify is outside the global frequency range.") elif (self.upper_freq_bound < self.min_frequency) or (self.upper_freq_bound > self.max_frequency): raise ValueError("Upper bound of frequency to amplify is outside the global frequency range.") else: new_column[self._modulation_start_index:self._modulation_end_index] *= self._modulation return super(ModulatedLogSpectrogram, self)._shape_response(new_column)
[docs]class LyonsCochlearModel(PowerSpectrum): """ Outputs a cochlear decomposition as a set of frequency responses of linear band-pass filters. Employs Lyons Cochlear Model to do so. R. F. Lyon, "A computational model of filtering, detection and compression in the cochlea." in Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Paris, France, May 1982. Specific implementation details can be found in: Malcolm Slaney, "Lyon's Cochlear Model, in Advanced Technology Group, Apple Technical Report #13", 1988. """ signal = param.Parameter(default=None, doc=""" A TimeSeries object to be fed to the model. This can be any kind of signal, be it from audio files or live from a mic, as long as the values conform to a TimeSeries. """) quality_factor = param.Number(default=8.0, doc=""" Quality factor controls the bandwidth of each cochlear filter. The bandwidth of each cochlear filter is a function of its center frequency. At high frequencies the bandwidth is approximately equal to the center frequency divided by a quality constant (quality_factor). At lower frequncies the bandwidth approaches a constant given by: 1000/quality_factor. """) stage_overlap_factor = param.Number(default=4.0, doc=""" The degree of overlap between filters. Successive filter stages are overlapped by a fraction of their bandwidth. The number is arbitrary but smaller numbers lead to more computations. We currently overlap 4 stages within the bandpass region of any one filter. """) precision = param.Parameter(default=float64, doc=""" The float precision to use when calculating ear stage filters.""") def __init__(self, **params): super(LyonsCochlearModel, self).__init__(**params) # Hardwired Parameters specific to model, which is to say changing # them without knowledge of the mathematics of the model is a bad idea. self.sample_rate = self.signal.sample_rate self.half_sample_rate = float(self.sample_rate/2.0) self.quart_sample_rate = float(self.half_sample_rate/2.0) self.ear_q = float(self.quality_factor) self.ear_step_factor = float(1.0/self.stage_overlap_factor) self.ear_break_f = float(1000.0) self.ear_break_squared = self.ear_break_f*self.ear_break_f self.ear_preemph_corner_f = float(300.0) self.ear_zero_offset = float(1.5) self.ear_sharpness = float(5.0) self._num_of_channels = self._num_of_channels() self._generateCochlearFilters() def _ear_bandwidth(self, cf): return sqrt(cf*cf + self.ear_break_squared) / self.ear_q def _max_frequency(self): bandwidth_step_max_f = self._ear_bandwidth(self.half_sample_rate) * self.ear_step_factor return self.half_sample_rate + bandwidth_step_max_f - bandwidth_step_max_f*self.ear_zero_offset def _num_of_channels(self): min_f = self.ear_break_f / sqrt(4.0*self.ear_q*self.ear_q - 1.0) channels = log(self.max_f_calc) - log(min_f + sqrt(min_f*min_f + self.ear_break_squared)) return int(floor(self.ear_q*channels/self.ear_step_factor)) def _calc_centre_frequencies_till(self, channel_index): if (self.centre_frequencies[channel_index] > 0): return self.centre_frequencies[channel_index] else: step = self._calc_centre_frequencies_till(channel_index-1) channel_cf = step - self.ear_step_factor*self._ear_bandwidth(step) self.centre_frequencies[channel_index] = channel_cf return channel_cf def _evaluate_filters_for_frequencies(self, filters, frequencies): Zs = exp(2j*pi*frequencies/self.sample_rate) Z_squareds = Zs * Zs zeros = ones((shape(frequencies)[0], shape(filters[0])[0], 3), dtype=complex64) zeros[:,:,2] = filters[0][:,2] * Z_squareds zeros[:,:,1] = filters[0][:,1] * Zs zeros[:,:,0] = filters[0][:,0] zeros = sum(zeros, axis=2) poles = ones((shape(frequencies)[0], shape(filters[1])[0], 3), dtype=complex64) poles[:,:,2] = filters[1][:,2] * Z_squareds poles[:,:,1] = filters[1][:,1] * Zs poles[:,:,0] = filters[1][:,0] poles = sum(poles, axis=2) return zeros / poles # a frequency and gain are specified so that the resulting filter can # be normalized to have any desired gain at a specified frequency. def _make_filters(self, zeros, poles, f, desired_gains): desired_gains = reshape(desired_gains,[size(desired_gains),1]) unit_gains = self._evaluate_filters_for_frequencies([zeros,poles], f) unit_gains = reshape(unit_gains,[size(unit_gains),1]) return [zeros*desired_gains, poles*unit_gains] def _frequency_responses(self, evaluated_filters): evaluated_filters[evaluated_filters==0] = 1.0 return 20.0 * log10(abs(evaluated_filters)) def _specific_filter(self, x2_coefficient, x_coefficient, constant): return array([[x2_coefficient,x_coefficient,constant], ], dtype=self.precision) def _first_order_filter_from_corner(self, corner_f): polynomial = zeros((1,3), dtype=self.precision) polynomial[:,0] = -exp(-2.0*pi*corner_f/self.sample_rate) polynomial[:,1] = 1.0 return polynomial def _second_order_filter_from_center_q(self, cf, quality): cf_as_ratio = cf/self.sample_rate rho = exp(-pi*cf_as_ratio/quality) rho_squared = rho*rho theta = 2.0*pi*cf_as_ratio * sqrt(1.0-1.0/(4.0*quality*quality)) theta_calc = -2.0*rho*cos(theta) polynomial = ones((size(cf),3), dtype=self.precision) polynomial[:,1] = theta_calc polynomial[:,2] = rho_squared return polynomial def _ear_filter_gains(self): return self.centre_frequencies[:-1] / self.centre_frequencies[1:] def _ear_first_stage(self): outer_middle_ear_filter = self._make_filters(self._first_order_filter_from_corner(self.ear_preemph_corner_f), self._specific_filter(1.0,0.0,0.0), array([0.0]), 1.0) high_freq_compensator = self._make_filters(self._specific_filter(1.0,0.0,-1.0), self._specific_filter(0.0,0.0,1.0), array([self.quart_sample_rate]), 1.0) pole_pair = self._make_filters(self._specific_filter(0.0,0.0,1.0), self._second_order_filter_from_center_q(self.cascade_pole_cfs[0],self.cascade_pole_qs[0]), array([self.quart_sample_rate]), 1.0) outer_middle_ear_evaluations = self._evaluate_filters_for_frequencies(outer_middle_ear_filter, self.frequencies) high_freq_compensator_evaluations = self._evaluate_filters_for_frequencies(high_freq_compensator, self.frequencies) pole_pair_evaluations = self._evaluate_filters_for_frequencies(pole_pair, self.frequencies) return outer_middle_ear_evaluations * high_freq_compensator_evaluations * pole_pair_evaluations def _ear_all_other_stages(self): zeros = self._second_order_filter_from_center_q(self.cascade_zero_cfs[1:], self.cascade_zero_qs[1:]) poles = self._second_order_filter_from_center_q(self.cascade_pole_cfs[1:], self.cascade_pole_qs[1:]) stage_filters = self._make_filters(zeros, poles, array([0.0]), self.ear_filter_gains) return self._evaluate_filters_for_frequencies(stage_filters, self.frequencies) def _generate_cascade_filters(self): cascade_filters = self.ear_stages for channel in range(1,self._num_of_channels): cascade_filters[channel,:] = cascade_filters[channel,:] * cascade_filters[channel-1,:] return self._frequency_responses(cascade_filters) def _generateCochlearFilters(self): max_f = self._max_frequency() self.max_f_calc = max_f + sqrt(max_f*max_f + self.ear_break_squared) self.centre_frequencies = zeros(self._num_of_channels, dtype=self.precision) self.centre_frequencies[0] = max_f self._calc_centre_frequencies_till(self._num_of_channels-1) bandwidths = self._ear_bandwidth(self.centre_frequencies) self.cascade_zero_cfs = self.centre_frequencies + bandwidths*self.ear_step_factor*self.ear_zero_offset self.cascade_zero_qs = self.ear_sharpness * self.cascade_zero_cfs / bandwidths self.cascade_pole_cfs = self.centre_frequencies self.cascade_pole_qs = self.centre_frequencies / bandwidths self.ear_filter_gains = self._ear_filter_gains() self.frequencies = arange(self.half_sample_rate).reshape(self.half_sample_rate, 1) self.ear_stages = hstack((self._ear_first_stage(), self._ear_all_other_stages())).transpose() self.cochlear_channels = self._generate_cascade_filters() def _get_row_amplitudes(self): """ Perform a real Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT; implemented using a Fast Fourier Transform algorithm, FFT) of the current sample from the signal multiplied by the smoothing window. See numpy.rfft for information about the Fourier transform. """ sample_rate = self.signal.sample_rate # A signal window *must* span one sample rate, irrespective of interval length. signal_window = tile(self.signal(), ceil(1.0/self.signal.interval_length)) if self.windowing_function == None: smoothed_window = signal_window[0:sample_rate] else: smoothed_window = signal_window[0:sample_rate] * self.windowing_function(sample_rate) row_amplitudes = abs(fft.rfft(smoothed_window))[0:sample_rate/2] row_amplitudes = row_amplitudes.reshape(1,sample_rate/2.0) filter_responses = multiply(self.cochlear_channels, row_amplitudes) sheet_responses = zeros(self._num_of_channels) for channel in range(0,self._num_of_channels): time_responses = abs(fft.ifft(filter_responses[channel])) sheet_responses[channel] = sum(time_responses) / (sample_rate/2.0) return sheet_responses.reshape(self._num_of_channels, 1) def set_matrix_dimensions(self, bounds, xdensity, ydensity): super(LyonsCochlearModel, self).set_matrix_dimensions(bounds, xdensity, ydensity) self._num_of_channels = self._num_of_channels() if self._sheet_dimensions[0] == self._num_of_channels: self._generateCochlearFilters() else: raise ValueError("The number of Sheet Rows must correspond to the number of Lyons Filters. Adjust the number sheet rows from [%s] to [%s]." %(self._sheet_dimensions[0], self._num_of_channels))
[docs]class LyonsCochleogram(LyonsCochlearModel): """ Employs Lyons Cochlear Model to return a Cochleoogram, i.e. the response over time along the cochlea. """ def _update_cochleogram(self, new_column): self._cochleogram = hstack((new_column, self._cochleogram)) self._cochleogram = self._cochleogram[0:, 0:self._sheet_dimensions[1]] def set_matrix_dimensions(self, bounds, xdensity, ydensity): super(LyonsCochleogram, self).set_matrix_dimensions(bounds, xdensity, ydensity) self._cochleogram = zeros(self._sheet_dimensions) def __call__(self, **params_to_override): self._update_cochleogram(self._get_row_amplitudes()) return self._cochleogram


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